11:13 PM | Thursday, April 30, 2009


zoo today! last minute change of plan. mrs ho told us yesterday. wooo. it was really fun! haha. grouped with wanhao,melody and sheryl siow. took lots of photos. we walked around the whole zoo,but some animals were in their hiding! couldn't see them at all. and the four animals we wanted to do research on,sunbear pola bear cheetah rhino,only saw pola bear and rhino! mannn. alright,on a brighter note,school ended really fast today! and congrats to the basketball team for being champions today! wooo. so proud of them. yesterday,had bible study. been long since we last had. played basketball a while after bible study,before headed down to novena to meet my parents. headed down to ubi,eunos. my old house! went to see the doctor there. headed home quite late. anw,today photos are mostly in my facebook. the animals that i took,i won't post lah. too many photos already!
soccer tomorrow. might be joinning them at a later time. and might be watching movie after soccer. P9 having friendly on sunday with pink flamingoes! wooo. though it's against a ladies team,at least still get to play floorball. and i think i starting to get my interest back. thank God! yay,He answered my prayer! :D lots of Praises to Him! luckily this week have a three day holiday. sure good to at least wake up late on friday and saturday! wooo. alright,shall catch some sleep! medicine's making me real drowsy!
half a time,i am dreaming.
half a time,i am looking straight into you.
10:28 PM | Tuesday, April 28, 2009
boring life.
school has been as mundane as ever. ss timed test yesterday. failure. even if i managed to sneak notes. but turn out that i misintepret the questions. and wrote wrongly. and today,chinese o's prelims. wahhh. super difficult. i totally was clueless about the questions in paper 2. and i left like last two sentences in my compo! super sian. ahhhh. chem timed test tomorrow. lucky can bring notes. anddd,no tution. cause of my cough. getting worser and worser even i had seen a doctor. gonna see it again tomorrow night. mannn. ohyeah,soccer today! super fun. went to eat after the papers and headed to the usual street soccer court in amk. we played in the rain with lots of flies flying around!!! it was like really crazy. flies all over. played till 6 plus and bused home. yes,we are going to the zoo next thursday! wooo. and looks like we should be combinning with miss chiong class,no idea. sleeping nowww. tired like crappp. and please do not ask me out for sports. i am like super lethargic nowww.i wish,all left behind you.
4:40 PM | Sunday, April 26, 2009
what a lost.
like what the title says. yup,we lost our game today. score was 5-3. everybody was just simply exhuasted. we lose them in speed,our silly mistakes,mentally. and we already lose them in our first period. just couldn't believe whenever i play against victoria,just simply can't win them. everytime either lose or draw. crap. next year i guess. went to eat at banquet with the few usual people. homed after that. really tired like crazy. everywhere aching.ahhh,i better go sleep and wake up to study later! ss time test! ohya,star awards later on! hahaha. okay,lame. byeeeee!useless boy.
11:04 PM | Saturday, April 25, 2009
soccer! wooo.

had a fun day spent at the street soccer court today. played well today! :D haha. but certainly,it comes with injuries as well. three fingers injured. right foot a bit bruised. but gotta say,it is really really funnnn! :D haha. puvin was at the soccer court too! haha. anw,played with the usuals plus steven,qinghai,sirbest,nicholas,wilson and shaun! song came halfway. woooo. played till 7 plus like that. went to eat at amk s11,outside amk hub that one. met up with family and headed home. (:
victoria skools tomorrow morning! 10 am match! freaking early okay. but i hope i will play well. and coughing certainly isn't gotta help. mannnnn. decided to give the east knights trg a miss. so shall comeback home after trg then! (: sleeeeep. alright,i better go and sleep now.
long way home.
10:24 PM | Friday, April 24, 2009
TIRED. Tired. tired. one word to describe this week. school has been real stressful and tiring. i practically slept throughout all the lessons today. that really can sums up the week for me. trg on thursday was rather slack. and i am being serious,i lose interest in floorball. i got no mood to play everytime i hold a stick now. i just feel weird this time round. and this sunday morning game(i am gonna miss church),i don't really look forward to it. the past few days were just tiring,that's all. and have been coughing like crap. injuries everywhere. how i wish,everything would be fine.okay,positive side. i got a two days break. but that's only for waking up late. ss time test on monday. chinese prelims on tuesday. and two more time tests in the week. jonathan's house tomorrow for more xbox. not going soccer in the morning,shall rest. sunday might be going for east knights trg after game. and then study. okay,fast going and bored weekends. for now,sleep is more important. so here's the end of the post! and mrs ho should be bringing us to the zoo for the topic on endangered species! woooo. for her english class lah. miss chiong english class going next thursday! super goood. hope we can go though. sounds like some shitty thing,go zoo. haha. alright,goodnight people!my long-time wish.
9:51 PM | Monday, April 20, 2009
school days.
probably for the last year in school life,life would be so slack after school. cause i believe once we graduated and moved to a new school or new environment. slacking is way off our mind. practically slack our mind off today after school. had chem,maths(make up test),poa(time practice),ss tests today. the crazy thing is,all after recess. and i can't imagine,chinese prelims is actually next week! what crap. super fast man. rahhh.anw,about yesterday. went church alone. meng and jerome couldn't wake up. bought food home,went out to wait for jootat's car somewhere near my house. he drove me and stanley down to tampines sports hall. picked up liting halfway. met andrew and pin wen there. was there to catch innebandy vs nhac! woooo. super high intensity match. and totally crowded like siao. was standing throughout the whole match. but it was worth it. the goals and stuffs were superb. i guess combined schools should be expecting that kind of intensity. mannn. headed to tampines one after that. walked around and left around 5. stupid trip back. lots of stupid and funny things happen mannn! haha. reached home around 5.30,bathed and met steven. went to sun plaza to study till 8.40. and headed home.ben and jerry's free cone day tomorrow. wooo,going down to cathay to take! HAHA. we got a plan to become the kiasu singaporeans! hahahaha. alright,gonna catch some sleep. byeeeeee people!long time ago,Lord,let us raise up our hands to praise and lift Your name up high.
12:09 AM | Sunday, April 19, 2009
game one!
well today's game was really quite shitty. but we managed to scrape through 10-8! can't believe we actually tied them 2-2 and 4-4 for the first and second period respectively. and they led us twice in the game. but we played better in the third period. kudos to the great goals scored in the third period guys and also suraj. let's hope we will do well for next week's game against victoria skools. alright. anw,after match went over to century square banquet for lunch with dinesh,puvin,augustine,the two zul's,huan,karhoe,brian and prabhu(i think). laughed like crazy whenever with them. haha. took 72 with puvin and august after that,alighted at wanhao house there. met up with wanhao,jerome and mengchao. went over to jonathon's house for xbox! haha. played fifa 09 all the way till 8 and headed to amk market. ate there together with gary and tzewei. went over to mos to study for a while,before dad and mum sent me,jerome and gary home. (: tiring day today. stamina everything was like crap throughout the match. hope victoria will be a great game for us. i want to get some sleep nowww. and there's church tomorrow morning! tests and more tests in the coming week. hope i will do well and cope with it. God,please give me the strength.Whoa,i am living for Your Glory,the love that You gave.holding on,
6:34 PM | Friday, April 17, 2009
div 1!
hadn't been a great week. went for good news singapore last week. it was great! (: haha. soccer after school on mon-wed! haha. it was real fun. had combined schools trg yesterday. trg was quite slack,but i feel that we weren't in the mood of playing for div 1 yet. and naz couldn't join us for the league anymore. cause of his injury. mannn. but anw,i shall look forward to tomorrow's first match with spartans! :D hoping for a great game! i wanna score at least one tomorrow!!! haha. anw,stayed home today. was sick. sore throat and headache. probably due to the lack of sleep. think because stayed up to watch manu and porto and still had trg at night. gary and steven came over in the morning on thursday to watch together. but feeling better now! (: yay. alright,going to meet the usuals soon for victor's belated birthday celebration! watching handsome suite at bishan! :D haha. alright,shall blog again! :DYour worthy of all praise,Jesus. hello and goodbye.
11:18 PM | Thursday, April 09, 2009
shiok day!
really quite rare to have shiok day! hahaha. school was kind of boring,but everything went past really fast. even the motivation and studies skills workshop. think was quite useful,but just that i am lazy to draw mindmaps. yup. after school,stayed in school a while to play canteen soccer. rather nonsense. haha. left school around 5.15 and met naz at yishun. it was great to see you. (: headed down to RP for friendly with them. i think it was really great. we really improved as a team after APAC. and i really believe we got chance for top table! haha. which i think it's quite true. though we lost to them 8-7 today,i think we played superb. haha. scored two goals! :D yay. naz was man of the match today! hahaha. after match,mr siva send me and naz home. (:wonderful game today,but injuries all over us. super suck. hope all of us will recover in time for the league! yes,tomorrow going for movie first before heading to good news singapore! :D haha. can't wait to see how it is like! really tired! another one crap of a week! haha. and i really hope that it will be a really great one. cause i wanna go on saturday and sunday tooo! haha. :D okay,shall go sleep already! shall blog more tomorrow! :Dlet alone all day,one second was good enough.Jesus,i live for You.in everything i do.our gracious God.
10:12 PM | Wednesday, April 08, 2009
long day today.
real long day today. time passed real slow for the first few periods. alright,after school had chem remedial,then chem make up practical,had one-on-one poa session with miss chee,after that tution. yes,the day i am awaiting! tomorrow night. haha. (: actually,i shouldn't be so excited for tomorrow. whenever i am excited for something the next day,it would turn out super super super worse. haha. but just can't wait to play floorball!!! friendly with RP tomorrow. yay. into the middle of this week. been a good week. homework thing just keep coming. but i got some privilege! haha. okay,for now lah. siannn. haha. for once,i really don't mind going library after school and study everyday. for once,i just can't take o's off my mind. and for once,i didn't want to make new friends in poly or jc. i just want to keep the bunch of friends i have now. for once,i felt happy for a few moments. for once,i am going through a great year. and great things are coming about. i just hope,more great things are coming. MORE. someday i will find you,someday i will see you,someday i will just look you in your eyes.Cause our God is an awesome God who reigns,from heaven and earth he reign.
8:28 PM | Tuesday, April 07, 2009
on the verge of stuffing myself with all the tests,homeworks and stuffs. i know i know,have been complainning on this few things for the past two posts. but that's the only thing i so fear. HOMEWORK. seriously. while,school was alright today. chinese letter writing test,hope for a pass. didn't wrote much for the content part. so many staybacks tomorrow after school. after chem remedial,chem practical that i had missed,ss revision with mdm loo,poa revision with miss chee. and last but not least,maths tution after that. sounds really crazy right. but got no choice,thursday is out for sure. got studies skills workshop till 3 plus,then pe till 5. combined schools trg immediately. so it's out. friday is good friday. so yeah. no choice. tests next week. how stress. okay,i should really stop ranting about the stress and homeworks and stuffs. i think it's kind of bored you people out already. on the brighter note,combined schools trg! finally get to see the team after this short break! hahaha. :D can't wait can't wait! haha. friday going the conference at indoor stadium! yeah. i hope that it will be a good one! cause i am intending to go on saturday and sunday too! :D this few days been really tiring. and i am reading books that i lend in the library on sunday! it's a big big big accomplishment for me. cause it's like really long,since i would go read a storybook. haha. but it's a nice book,so yup! already complete half the book already,and two more books to go! haha. (: i guess i shall go on to sleep in a hour time! for now,sleep is defintely more important than homework! yuppp. goodnight people! :Dfor a moment,i felt lost.it's killing me,i wish i had never start all this nonsense myself.now,it's so hard to clear it off my mind.today,it's You i live for.Jesus,You are the only way.i'm holding on to You.
11:01 PM | Monday, April 06, 2009
okay,i seriously got not time to blog mannn. coming back from korea and catching up with schoolwork sucks. i am catching no balls in class. rahhh. so now i am going to like stay back almost everyday to have teachers go through the topics once more. siannn. but the yay thing is next saturday is the start of div 1! woohoo. can't wait for trg this thursday. :D haha. anw,the happening thing is,last saturday P9 won one west. by quite a lot. scored 2 goals! :D haha. yup. studied at yishun lib after church yesterday. orchard after school today with jerome and victor. (: alright,new coaches to the school team soon. heard it's angela and some other female coach. 50 bucks per hour! i think national coaches are cheaper than that man! haha. can't wait for combined schools trg on thursday! ahhhh,the negative side of life for me now is,TESTS. okay,class tests are coming like siao. SERIOUSLY CRAZY. there's like test tomorrow already. wahlau. third week of second term only leh! wahlauuuuuu. okay,can't complain much. taking o's this year,defintely sucks! alright,shall go sleep already lah. tons of homeworks awaiting me to complete. that will have to wait till tomorrow then. haha.
i laid it all down,
at Your feet.
i Surrender all to You.
hope gives you light,stay with that hope.
have that faith,it will keep you going on. (:
9:04 PM | Thursday, April 02, 2009
i am tired. and i am lazy to blog about the trip and what happen after i comeback.seriously way to lazy. and there's so many things to catch up in school.how i wish,there was a two week holiday and i won't miss school and i don't need to even freaking copy ss,bio or whatever notes there is to.shall rant enough. fighting hard for my colours and eagles(though i said that i didn't really care about eagles to a few of my friends).i need a long break,and the positive thing is weekends are here. but i feel like heading down to town.negative side,there's ss retest and chinese oral. both after school tomorrow. how shiok can it get. i shall go sleep. i am leaving everything and here for good,including you.too much for me to handle.i am sorry.i am really left with no choice,really gonna choose my first priority.STUDY.O's,for once i am so serious about you.